ACS are agents for


It’s common knowledge that iron and iron related bacteria can cause blockages in bores, therefore significantly reducing your yield. We also understand the frustrations caused by the down time of your water infrastructure, Aquaclear gives an alternative option to shutting down or even replacing your bores.

What makes Aquaclear stands out amongst the other brands?

It’s a pre-made, safe and easy to use product. Led by a specialist team to ensure all of our active ingredients are organic and fully biodegradable, ensuring it is environmentally friendly.

This alone makes it ideal for all water supply systems that have been contaminated with iron bacteria, iron oxide, manganese oxide, and calcium carbonate deposits. Providing peace of mind that your bores will work at optimum efficiency, using a timely and cost-effective method that will have your equipment up and running in hours. For more severe cases, leave it a little longer or call ACS Equip for a more in depth inspection.